Caribbean Sargassum
Since 2011, the entire Caribbean has been impacted on economic, environmental and health levels, by the massive events of Sargassum, a pelagic brown algae.
Off the coast of Bermuda, the original Sargassum Sea- a protected area since 2014, no longer seems to be the only “Sargassum factory”. The phenomenon has spread all around the Atlantic Ocean.

Produced by Beau Comme les Antilles, two documentary films explore solutions to manage and add value to Sargassum in the Caribbean, meeting with brilliant proactive minds facing this Sargassum issue directly.
13 short modules from these two documentary films provide a more complete look at all the aspects encompassed by the Sargassum issue, like the valuation of the algae, the protection of sea turtles, retention and remote sensing- from Martinique to Brazil via the Dominican Republic.

Thematic sheets
The Sargassum problem is not only about the proliferation of the algae and its management upon its arrival on the Caribbean coast. Groundings highlight major public health hazards throughout the region, environmental protection and economic preservation issues.
These diverse topics are covered in a series of 12 information sheets.

Sheet 1: The origin of Sargassum Algae
What is Sargassum seaweed? Since when does it exist? In 2018, around 20 million tonnes of Sargassum were spotted between the African and American continents. We are now speaking of a vegetal continent visible from space.

Sheet 2: Hypotheses regarding Sargassum influxes
Where does Sargassum come from? Why does it proliferate? One of the scientific theories around the origin of Sargassum involves two rivers on either side of the Atlantic: the Amazon and the Congo rivers.

Sheet 3: Observation satellites to anticipate the flows
Like the Club Sentinelle of Port-Louis highschool, several organizations use satellite data to observe Sargassum flows on the Caribbean coast. How does this technology work? Who sets it up?

Sheet 4: Retention and removal of Sargassum at sea
How to prevent Sargassum from reaching the coast? How to remove it once retained? Since 2011, Sargassum retention and collection solutions have been implemented throughout the Caribbean.

The territories
Sargassum events affect a majority of the Caribbean, including Brazil, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and Saint Barthelemy. Fortunately, proactive individuals in these areas are tackling the Sargassum problem head-on in order to minimize its impact on their territories.
The documents
Each year, a multitude of documents related to Sargassum are published, which showcase the actions and studies carried out locally and throughout the Caribbean.